Git started with

You may use by forking a public repo, or using the template repo to create a private repo.

$ git clone
$ brew install pre-commit #optional
$ cd dev-profiles && pre-commit install # optional
# edit profile.json
$ git commit -a -m 'Updated profile' && git push
$ git push

Integrate your repo with the service

How does it work? is a GitHub app which watches for commits to a json file in your dev-profiles repo profile.json and renders it as a web page.

First you put the dev-profiles repo into your github account. If everythig in your profile is to be private, you can create a new repo from our template repository. For public repos, Fork dev-profiles into your account.

Next, Install our GitHub App into the dev-profiles repo. This will send events to our webhook whenever you commit to the repo. Your account is created when you install this app, and your profile is created on your first commit.

Now edit profiles.json and push to github.

Your account should now be created and your profile will show at both and

That's it! Any changes you need to make can be done through git. If you want to delete your account just go to our GitHub App, click configure and uninstall the profiles app.